If the beings knew the reward for the distribution of gifts, as I do, they would enjoy nothing without having given something,
and the stain of avarice would not hold their hearts.
Even the last morsel, the last crumb, they would not enjoy without distributing from it, if they had a recipient for it. But since the beings do not know the reward for the distribution of gifts as I do, they also enjoy without having given something, and the stain of avarice is wrapped around their heart.
Itiv 26
What we need - Dāna list of suggestions
Only with your help can the continuity of the community be ensured. The following things are needed in the monastery at the moment:
- Dairy products
- Fruit and vegetables
- Eggs
- Salz, Zucker, Bratöl
- Stärke

Consumer goods
Mönche und Nonnen halten nach dem Mittagessen Fasten ein. Es gibt jedoch einige erlaubte Artikel, die in Maßen konsumiert werden können, um das Hungergefühl zu stillen.
Sie sind:
– Honig, Melasse, Butter, Ghee, Öl – verschiedene Sorten