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Construction begins...

The first iron bars of the former stall boxes in the barn have already been fletched off. The demolition of the interior walls is the next step.
In the last few days and weeks we have been working studiously again...
The front part of the barn has been completely cleared, the building electricity has been connected and the shower and washing machine have been moved from the boiler room between the kitchen and the barn to the bathroom on the ground floor, as this intermediate wall is also to be taken down.
The workshop tent was also further furnished and tidied up in the course of this.
The new heating tanks have arrived and are now stored for the time being in the gallery at the back of the barn.
... the next steps are to shut down the water pipes on 05th December and to turn and take down the heating to protect it from dust.
May all our actions benefit growth in the Dhamma!
Chanting and Meditation

Daily from 05.00-06.30 & 19.00-20.30

Support of the monastery

The monastery is supported by generous donations from the lay community. For that purpose, there is a supporting association that manages the donations.

Alms round

Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Nienburg weekly market approx. 09:15-10:15 a.m.
