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A monastery builds up-benefit event for Sirsampanno monastery

As a part of the Buddha Talk format, an online charity event in favor of the Sirisampanno Monastery took place on November 3rd.

Members of the community and the sponsoring association were invited to present the monastery and the forthcoming renovation. The evening started with a short Dhamma talk by Venerable Ayya Tisarani. Then the presentation of the monastery took place and a Therīgāthā reading followed. The event was rounded off with contributions from Venerable Ayya Phalañāṇī on behalf of the Anenja Vihara, Venerable Shifu Simplicity on behalf of the German Order, Michael Schmidt on behalf of the Theravada network and Thea Mohr on behalf of Sakyadhita Germany. 

May the energy that flows into the maintenance and expansion of the monastery benefit all beings.
Chanting and Meditation

Daily from 05.00-06.30 & 19.00-20.30

Support of the monastery

The monastery is supported by generous donations from the lay community. For that purpose, there is a supporting association that manages the donations.

Alms round

Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Nienburg weekly market approx. 09:15-10:15 a.m.
